April 19th Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

by - April 19, 2019

We had coffee and breakfast at Starbucks and then headed towards the trail head of the hike to Gunung Jasar.  The trail was uphill the first half of the way and a bit technical with all of the tree roots.  Then we reached Gunung Jasar, which was at 5,565 feet above sea level.  Then we headed down the muddy and slippery slope.  They tied stretchy plastic rope to help you descend, but it was super unhelpful.  The trail went through a quaint town.  One of the locals had a monkey in a cage.  We walked through some random vegetable farms and then through the Cameron Tea Plantation.  The locals are farming watercresss, which we have never seen.  We were warned about stray dogs attacking hikers, but didn't think it would happen.  Out of nowhere came 3-4 dogs from the tea trees.  One dog clamped onto my lower leg, but I kicked it off.  We yelled and they ran off.  We then enjoyed some iced tea at their overlook.  We wanted badly to find a taxi, but had no luck and had to walk along the buy road to get back.  We stopped at a fresh fruit stand and had a snack.  We had a stray dog follow us for a while.  Back at the hostel we blogged, showered, and relaxed.  We went back to the same Indian restaurant again because it was so amazing.

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